7 thoughts on “Home

  1. Hey there! Happy holidays all the way from La Paz to your way! It’s time to visit my ‘blogging friends’ 😮

    Just noticed you visited our travelblog and liked the most recent post! Please feel free to visit the ExpatsBlog and share your comments, your thoughts about our family’s project! Thank you in advance, and wishes for a great week!

  2. Hello! I have just discovered your blog and am enjoying exploring the fascinating posts. Looking forward to reading more and staying in contact across the blogosphere!

  3. Hi Gilly!
    Hope you see this. How did you get your blog roll list? I have tried using the widget on WP but can’t stipulate which blogs to put there! Can you help?

    1. Hi Julia, using the classic dashboard, on the left side click links and then add new. There is a category tab at the top for blogroll. To be honest i haven’t updated mine for ages but guess it’s still the same. Good luck 🙂

  4. Love your stuff, Lucid. I’m a newbie to blogging and figured mine would be pretty much a travel-oriented blog. So when thinking of a name, I thought it would have the word “gypsy” in the title. But then something happened, and I ended up with Badfish. Best laid plans, eh?

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