January Small Stone# Thirty One

My small stones haven’t been as mindful as last year, mainly because I haven’t had enough time to write poetry, because of writing for assignments. That isn’t to say that I take poetry very seriously, I enjoy writing poems now, but I’m still too lazy/busy to learn how to do it. So I’ve used photos quite a few times and little anecdotes about the days happenings. I’ve also whinged about the weather and felt sorry for myself a few times. I’ve shown you Exeter, copper beech and talked about asthma. I’ve shared a sort of recipe for soup, which has since been tried by Sharon from A Number of Things, reminded you that Pride and Prejudice has been around for 200 years and shown you a fingernail moon.
My most popular stone has been number thirteen, a gallery of about twelve photos where a flock of geese circle and then land, and I must admit I quite like it myself.
I’ve enjoyed adding stones to the river, but most of all I’ve enjoyed reading and seeing YOUR stones, thanks for sharing! I hope next year that a few more of you my friends join in, because even though my writing hasn’t been particularly mindful, I have been more mindful during January, and that has to be good.
Thank so much for being around, commenting and liking, and generally helping me through what is the toughest month for a tropical gypsy living on latitude 50.718412 N.


January Small Stone# Thirty

I’ve just watched a local TV program, a mix of magazine and news. One of tonights offerings was the story of a young man, just seventeen who had a major stroke. He now has ‘locked in’ syndrome, and his parents had been told that he would never be able to communicate – he proved them wrong. He is in a wheelchair and unable to speak, but now uses his eye movements to control a computer, that then types and speaks his words. So to help other stroke victims he is writing a book.
How dare I complain that I’ve lost my mojo.

January Small Stone# Twenty Nine

My friend is leavng the Trust today so we won’t get our weekly lunchtime chats, I’ll really miss her šŸ˜¦ this is the photo I used to make her a good luck card.Kaz

She’s been a ray of sunshine that helped me through the week, especially when I was stressed becauseĀ I had to apply for my job. She’s moving to a great new pastures and I’m sure she will love it and they will wonder how they managed before!

January Small Stone# Twenty Eight

My Mojo packed its bags in November and hasn’t been seen since. No-one knows where it went, why it went or what it got up to when it was away. I was quite worried about it at first and considered filing a missing Mojo report. But then I got angry instead. I yelled, I sulked, I told it I didn’t care if it never came back, becauseĀ I had no plans to use it anyway. Then something strange happened – like in all the best stories – just when I came close to giving up, it showed up, acting as if nothing had even happened.

Today I wrote the first draft, nearly three thousand words, of a short story that will be my next assignment for my creative writing course. And breath.

January Small Stone# Twenty Six

I found this today on a shop window in Sidmouth. Perhaps this small stone belongs toĀ the young man rather than to me, but I still wanted to share it because it touched me. I am impressed by his thinking, especially about the large supermarkets.

Oliver's SOS

January Small Stone# Twenty Five

Two hundred years ago on Monday, one of my all time favourite novels was first published. Over the course of the day the whole novel will be read in Bath by a group of fans, experts and writers. They are hoping to find an internationally famous actress to read the first chapter – noĀ doubtĀ in period costume and the event, lasting twelve hours, will be broadcast on theĀ internet! Isn’t that wonderful? I so wish I could be there.

If you didn’t already know, have you guessed yet?

It’s Miss Austen of course, Pride and Prejudice was published on January 28th 1813! I hope to catch some of the broadcast even though Emma is my real favourite. Lots of you probably think I’m crazy, but I can’t be the only one with bosom heaving at the thought of Mr D emerging from the lake? Can I? Come on ‘fess up.

January Small Stone# Twenty Three

‘If there’s snowing hanging around

on the ground

mark my words

there’s more to come down’

So said my lovely old man at eight o’ clock this morning. ‘No’ said I, ‘The forecast says it’s getting milder.’

It’s what they’ve always said

you mark my words.’

‘Keep warm dear.’ I hope I see him in the morning, by then the last bits will have washed away from the city paths.


January Small Stone# Twenty Two

Do you know what? Despite the small stones, I’m really fed up with January. Fed up with walking to and fro to work in snow, sleet and sideways rain, only catching twenty minutes of daylight at lunchtime and getting cold all over again.
So, today my stone is looking forward to spring.
In February there will be Daphne, with its fragrance so strong that it reaches me way before I see it.


In March, I’d like to walk on Dartmoor on a clear day and listen to the hum of bees, awake and busy on the bright golden gorse.


March, what could be lovelier than a Dog’s Tooth Violet,Ā the ballerina of the spring garden? I can hardly wait.

Dog's Tooth Violet

These have cheered me up, I hope you like them too!