Dinner Time

Michelle W, at the WordPress Daily Post says,

This week, share an image inspired by dinnertime — whether you take a photo of food or simply shoot during the evening hours is up to you!

I thought you might like this intimate photo of an orang utan family.
dinner time

Taken at the Sepilok orang utan centre in Borneo.

Sunset on a bench

There’s still a few days for Jude’s bench challenge, this month it’s benches with people or other objects on them. This one was taken a few years ago on the waterfront at Kota Kinabalu. I’ve always felt that the blurriness gives it a slightly dreamy quality as the people gaze out on the islands of Tunku Abdul Raman park. What could they be thinking as they enjoy the view, is their conversation interesting, or perhaps they are silent?


Do you have a bench photo to share with the world? visit Jude, she’ll explain!

Weekly Photo Challenge: Threes

Michelle at The Daily Post says,

‘In a nutshell, a three-picture story is a way to help you think about storytelling with images. To create a three-picture story, gather:

  1. An establishing shot: a broad photo of your subject.
  2. A relationship: two elements interacting with one another.
  3. A detail: a close-up of one part of your subject.’

It took me a while but I think I’ve got it right, what do you think?


So this is my broad shot, my subject is there 420 metres high, but furthest away.


Here, two elements are interacting as I took this shot from the top of my first distant subject.


This is the close up of my subject, the Kuala Lumpur Tower and it shows the 335 metre high 360 degree pod that I had been inside!

Maybe you will join the challenge, http://dailypost.wordpress.com/2014/02/21/weekly-photo-challenge-threes/

Braving new heights

A couple of weeks ago I was on a coach from Heathrow to London when a young man got on and sat beside me. He anxiously fiddled with his tickets and I asked if he was okay. He was a bit worried about his connection and finding his way. I reassured him that negotiating Victoria coach station was easy and promised to point him in the right direction.
We chatted all the way and I learnt that he was heading for Canterbury University to do his masters, his first trip out of Malaysia. He asked me about shopping, where to find affordable groceries and if he would be able to find Malaysian food.
Looking out of the window he was excited to see the Victorian terrrace houses and thought they were beautiful. Of course I shared that I had been to Malaysia and loved it there, especially the architecture in Kuala Lumpur. Ailsa’s challenge this week reminded me of my charming encounter with that young man. By now he will be settled in his new world, I’d love to know how he is getting on and hope he has found his nearest aldi to help make his pennies go further.
So, to ‘Height’, here are some of the heights of his homeland and one of my favourite cities, Kuala Lumpur.

The Tower emerging
The Tower emerging
A view from the tower
A view from the tower
Apartments looking up
Apartments looking up
Fountains and tower blocks
Fountains and tower blocks

Join in with the challenge at http://wheresmybackpack.com/2013/10/04/travel-theme-height/

Travel Theme: Tilted

Ailsa wants to see our slant on tilted this week. Well virtually all the horizons are tilted in my photos because I’m hopeless! I wasn’t to blame for these wonky images though.

Tilted frame

A tilted frame in the Kuala Lumpur Tower but I think the buildings are straight.

Tilted beams

Tilted beams on the waterfront at Kota Kinabalu.

Fairy chimney tilted

Fairy chimneys tilted by nature in Cappadochia.

To join in  visit Ailsa at http://wheresmybackpack.com/2013/07/19/travel-theme-tilted/

More Orang Utans

I just wanted to highlight Isobel’s post that I re-blogged this morning, it’s something that I feel passionate about so if you could just take a look at these beautiful creatures and go over to sign on the link from earlier it would be wonderful. http://isobelandcat.wordpress.com/2013/05/14/save-the-orangutans/

We like it here, but it would be better if there was enough food and nice trees deep in the forest.


Here is our forest

My cousin is hiding up there, he has darker fur than I do because he chooses all his own food!


This is a friend

Will you help to make sure that the baby grows up to have babies too?


Can you see all those rows of trees? They are taking over our habitat and we need help so that we can survive.


With credit to Ross and Lori Hall and Lindy Campbell who took some of these photos while I was too ill to hold my camera!

Weekly Photo Challenge# Beyond

Sara Rosso says,
‘Do you have a photo which invites the viewer to look beyond? Are there hidden depths in the background? Is the focal point just a framing for the rest of the picture? If it’s not clear why we should look beyond, tell us! Lead us through the story in your photo.’ for this weeks challenge. I’ve chosen three photos and I hope its clear why you should look!

If you would like to join in http://dailypost.wordpress.com/2013/01/18/weekly-photo-challenge-beyond/