Who is Lucid Gypsy

Hello I’m thrilled that you have found my blog and hope that you subscribe and come back often! Feel free to tell me your thoughts about what  you read and see here because in the end I may catch on and improve as a result 🙂

I’m G, a middle aged techno hen with a passion for travel, writing, reading and well, life really. I’m pretty much unstoppable, working full time, studying and crafting pretty things. I love people – even the ones I don’t like and have to stop myself talking to strangers quite often, because they probably don’t all want to speak to me. At least that’s what they think in the beginning, but its fun trying to win them over. Once I’ve got their attention, I shut up and let them talk while I soak up as much as I can.

Where does my name come from? Well I love to wander of course and I like to think I’m clear seeing. I’ve learnt a new word from my friend Frizztext in Germany, it’s scharfsinnig, one of the translations of lucid.

I’m half British, half Nigerian, Igbo Dumnonii, and I’m lucky to live in the beautiful south west of England. I try to take my camera out for walkies and sometimes get good shots but though I have a good eye I lack the technical skills. I’m a Gill you see, mistress of none – but now my good friend Sandra Connor says that I mustn’t say that anymore because I am a haiku master, thank you dear Sandra!

202 thoughts on “Who is Lucid Gypsy

  1. My husband and I were recently in your wonderful part of the world, cruising the British Isles on the Queen Mary II. The people we met were as lovely as the scenery. And your writing charmingly presents you as just such a person. 🙂

  2. Well G I’d have to say you are a hoot too! Thanks for stopping by my blog and “liking” one of my posts. The breakfast shot is truly a unique one even if it is not yours, and I don’t get the ping back thing yet either, LOL! Take care. Margie

  3. Hallo! Love the blog and the happy, sociable tone you’ve set with your writing. I wanted to ask you if you’d be interested in submitting something for a photo essay for our online magazine, Papercuts (which Shazaf has recently been published in). Here’s the link to the blog entry that gives more information on this: http://desiwriterslounge.net/blog/2011/11/we-want-your-photos/. It would be lovely to receive something from you. You’ve got the eye. Hope to keep coming here often 🙂

    1. Hi Afia, I read and shared your blog on Facebook earlier today, it’s a great read, especially as I have a real passion for all things connected with the Sub-continent. I am delighted that you enjoyed reading my blog and flattered that you think I may be able to submit something useful. My city is very ‘open’ so it will be a real challenge to come up with something, I’ll give it a good try. Desi Lounge and Papercuts are both fab!

  4. It has been a pleasure having you as one of my blog followers. I enjoy stopping
    by and reading your posts. I am gratfeul that you found mine because I was able
    to experience yours. I hope you continue to do greater and better things in 2012.
    May you holidays be filled with all the blessings your heart can hold.
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year …

    1. Thank you honey and believe me its a real treat for me to read you! I’m still at the stage of my writing life where I’m mystified that people want to and seem to enjoy reading anything I write so positive comments from people I’ve never met are so encouraging. I wish you peace and happiness for 2012 and that your muse continues to fill you with creativity.
      Yours Gx

    1. Oooh that is so cool thanks, I’m very excited and have worked out how to post the picture, now I have to decide who to nominate! You probably won’t know what a chufty badge is but you’ve given me one!

  5. Thank you so much for your nice comment about my blog and subscribing. I like seeing photos of and learning about other cultures and travels. I’ll be back to see more of your postings!

  6. Hey Gilly, I left you a reply to your comment about my post “We Say Good-Bye To Ourselves”, And in doing so, I mentioned an musician (Brendan Perry) and song that you may like. Well here is the Youtube link….
    Hope you enjoy it….

  7. Gilly, here are 3 tracks from the band Dead Can Dance: Lisa Gerrard and Brendan Perry. Haunting, orchestral, goth – post rock from the 80’s. Lisa has one of the most incredible voices ever. The video footage of the 2nd song “When the Carnival is Over” is wonderfully magical. I hope you enjoy all three selections. It may be a little different but the quality is unquestionable.

    1. Hi Robyn-Nigerian-by-marriage! Thanks for visiting, I’ve read a few of your entries and congratulate you on the way you have handled all the challenges you have survived. I know how hard it can be to get a visa to visit Nigeria and for Nigerians to visit even family in the UK! i wish you the best of luck and a long and happy future for all of you 🙂

  8. thanks for stopping by my blog and liking one of my posts. i just signed up for your blog and i noticed you received the Candle lighter Award which I created in December. Congratulations—i will add you to the dynamic list i am compiling. have a wonderful day 🙂

  9. Hi Gill, thanks for the nice comment you sent me a few minutes ago 🙂 I subscribed to your bog so I won’t miss a bit of your postings, as I like the style pretty much. Kudos!

  10. Hi, Thank-you for ‘liking’ my poem. I’m also an aspiring writer/poet from the South West of England, and currently doing an OU course in Advanced Creative Writing. I do like your site. It’s great!

    1. Hi Anne! I really like your poems – and I don’t ‘do’ poetry! I found you via a link on FB that our lovely mutual friend Kathy posted. I finished A363 last year and gained my diploma by some fluke and I’m about to start U214. I’ll follow your blog, happy writing and I hope you come to visit me again 🙂

  11. Gilly,
    Thank you for visiting my blog. I enjoy visiting yours. Great thoughts and photos. It was nice to read that you are also going to school.

  12. Happy Monday. I would like to pass on the Liebster Blog Award on to you. I really enjoy your blog and am happy to pass this on.
    If you would like to accept, please follow these rules:
    • Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog.
    • Link back to the blogger who awarded you.
    • Pick (up to) 5 other blogs who fit within the award parameters (less than 200 followers).
    • Inform them that you have chosen them by leaving a comment on their blog.
    • Post the award on your blog. You can take it from my post here: http://postcardfiction.com/2012/02/06/liebster-blog-award/.

  13. Hi, Gilly. I wanted to stop by and thank you for taking the time to view my “Down” photo and click the “like’ button. Your site is so attractive, and I especially like your “January Small Stone” page. I’ll be back.
    Blessings. Sandra

  14. Gilly,
    According to my dashboard I’m following your blog but I can’t remember the last time I recieved a notification of a post. Is anyone else having this problem?

    1. Thanks Janet, I heard from someone recently who had to re-follow me because I’d disappeared from her list so I guess its just wordpress blips? Did you have to confirm subscription by clicking a link form an email?

  15. I was just reading your “About” page again. I’ve gotten to know so many new people in such a short time through the blogs that I like to go back after I take a breath, and let the information about them sort of “settle in.” I was touched by what you said about always wanting to talk to strangers. I am exactly the same way. I just can’t seem to keep myself from striking up conversations with people in grocery store check-out lines, restaurants, department store aisles, etc. But I’ve lived well into middle age doing that, and I can honestly say I’ve never been sorry that I live that way. I’m sure you’re not either.

    1. I do that too – have a peep at people and then go back and check again when they have crept into my consciousness by being special, just as you are 🙂

  16. Hello Gillly, I read your comment on Isadora’s blog, so dropped by to have a look at yours. Love your words and pics – I lived/worked in Devon and Cornwall for many years, so your photos of the area are a ‘blast from the past’! 🙂

    1. I’m guessing that now you’re on the IOW? I’ll be back to check your blog later but I love ‘Address Unknown’. Izzy is one of my all time favourite bloggers!

  17. Hi there Ms. Gilly Gee!
    Love the blog and the photos! I hopped on over to your Flickr stuff also – I often use fellow bloggers (and professionals’) photography on my blog as features, pics of the week or of the day…would you be alright with my using some of your flickr material for the same? Of course you would be fully credited and your website and/or blog linked. If you could let me know, that’d be great! All of my contact info’s on my blog (http://zenandgenki.com) I’m particularly taken by that red toadstool shot (SO cool! Love it!) Would have contacted you via PM, but don’t see your info here 🙂
    Excellent blog!
    Have a wonderful Sunday!

  18. Hi, Gilly. I have nominated you for the “Genuine Blogger” Award. I know you have received a lot of awards, but I did not see that particular award on your site. If I have missed it, I apologize. Assuming I am not mistaken, I hope you will know that my nomination is genuine (no pun intended), because I think you are truly one of the most “genuine” bloggers I’ve met on here. You will find the details on my site at this link: http://sandraconner.wordpress.com/2012/04/25/genuine-blogger-award/
    Blessings! Sandra

  19. Hey, Gilly. I’m writing for some information. I’m thinking about changing my blog’s theme to something more like the “Twenty-Ten,” and I noticed you are using that. My question is this: in the details about the theme, it says it allows for only two widget areas on the side bar and the rest are in the footer. But I noticed you have more than two areas with information in your sidebar. Was that the options it gave you originally, or did you have to do something special to get all those different sections to show up on the side rather than at the bottom? I’m still new enough at this I sometimes don’t understand all the terminology and functions of things. Thanks for any info you can provide. I need to find a theme that looks a little “cleaner” and allows for a little more room for the posts.

    1. Oh heck I’m afraid I’m a dabbler that finds things but doesn’t remember how – I still can’t work out how to do pingbacks. I certainly didn’t have to do anything special because I wouldn’t get it.I don’t understand instructions and just try to work things out, sometimes it happens sometimes it doesn’t!It took me ages to be able to do slideshows. What I have never done though is paid for any extras on here. I’ve looked at changing themes but none seem to fit as well as this one for me and its simple to make it look quite nice. Sorry I’m not much help honey 😦 But your blog does look lovely!

  20. Thank you, and I understand perfectly about finding things and getting them to work but not really knowing how or why. I’ll just do some experimenting. That’s what I had to do in the beginning. I like the over all theme I’m using okay, but the text — especially in the side widgets — is so soft, and in the same color family as the background, that it’s hard to read. And I think the two different colors and textures that make up the background take away from the content a little. Of course, I’ve had so many computer problems, some of the problem could be my very old computer and small screen. But a lot of other people still use old computers and small screens, so I’d like for it to be easy for everyone to view and read. I’ll experiment and see what happens. Thanks again.

  21. We are blessed to know you through your beautiful and inspiring posts. You have a gift to capture wonderful things through your camera and words that brings us close to the moment of wonder. Thanks.

  22. The lovely South West of England – I’m in Dorset, in the corner next to Devon and Somerset – the most beautiful part of the country in my humble opinion and it’s nice to ‘meet’ you Gilly 🙂

    1. Oh wow how amazing! You’re in the second best corner of the country 🙂 🙂 🙂 nice to meet you too.I was thrilled to find the link to the competition through you,I may just enter.

  23. Great page you have here my friend , I update my about page too LOL,
    More power to your blog 🙂

  24. Hi gill, I’m becky’s friend
    Your blog is awesome and you have some awesome photos I love it and hope you keep going with it as I think your really talented :3 x

  25. Hi it’s so nice to read about You in your About page! I love crafty things too. I love to read write and do all sorts of blogging. Making new friends like YOU Gillyi. I have a reading book blog at http://getreadingnow.org too…if you like book reviews. I hope you keep stopping over my blog- I appreciate it. I am working full time as a Security Guard, and tired a lot. I am off on the weekends, so If I don’t get to comment right away I do that on the weekends now… Bless you. JACKIE~

  26. Gilly, lovely to have made the connection with you across the airwaves, so to speak. So in what part of the SW do you live? Before I ended up here in Arizona, I was living just outside Totnes in South Devon. Anyway, will be a pleasure to follow your own musings, Paul

    1. Hi Paul and thanks for visiting. Totnes is one of my favourite places, have a look around here and you will find several posts about the area. I live in Exeter which I’m sure you must have visited!How on earth did you end up in Arizona? or may be you are from the States and returned. I look forward to visiting you again 🙂

      1. Bit of a snapshot here http://learningfromdogs.com/founding-author/

        Met Jean in Mexico when invited to spend Christmas with the sister of a long-term Californian friend. Suzann had known Jean for many years; they both rescued Mexican feral dogs. Jean and I were both born in London, 21 miles apart! I went out to Mexico with Pharaoh, my GSD, in 2008 and in February 2010 we all moved up to Payson, Arizona.

        Simple, isn’t it!

  27. Thanks, Gilly for visiting my blog & commenting on my post… it really helped ‘coz I could get to have a look on ur blog…. shall b following you.. i’m less frequent in wordpress for a while now coz my daughter is having vacation.. shall b on full swing by Sep first week. hoping to enjoy more of your posts…



  28. Hi Gilly Gee,
    Thanks for leaving a comment on my about page…I almost never visit about pages…I guess I should…I learned some wonderful things about you!!!! It’s lovely to connect…and enjoy your camera walkies. 😉

  29. Love your site! Your posts are very inviting. I feel like I’m part of what you are describing. It’s like I’m there, witnessing what you are trying to convey. Blessings

  30. Dearest Gilly, Good morning! Today I was happily surprised to find out that I was nominated by a fellow blogger for the “Very Inspiring Blogger” Award. This involves some kind of participation (as you probably already know)! One of the things I had to do was to propose 15 bloggers for the same award. Truth is, that the first one that came to mind was you! So, there you go my friend! Participate! http://goomfh.wordpress.com/2012/11/19/728/ This is a link to my page, where you will find the instructions! Thank you for being such an inspiration to me! 🙂

  31. Dear Gilly,
    Inspired by your photos and suggestion, I’ve churned out roughly 500 words of “Death in Dittisham”. Would you be interested in seeing it? It’s not remotely serious, but it is an homage of sorts to Agatha Christie. 😉

    (About six months ago, you offered me the chance to do a guest post. I’m very embarrassed that I haven’t followed up on that opportunity – considering how long it’s been, I won’t be offended if you prefer to just drop the whole thing. If you are still open to the idea, let me offer you your choice of the Dittisham story or else some miscellaneous photos of my town taken over the past summer.)

    1. Hooray that’s fantastic! Of course I still want you to guest post 🙂 I thought you were doing nanowrimo? Which do you prefer the story or town photos? Either way I’d love to read your story. Have you got my email?

      1. No – I can’t find your email. If you tell me where to locate it, I’ll be glad to send the story to you.

        Nanowrimo – yes, I’m hacking my way through it. Things seem to be getting a little easier than they were last week*, but the Dittisham story came easily enough to be a nice relaxation.

        *One of the big ideas of NaNo is “Don’t revise! Just keep writing!”, which has its good points. But I spent a week struggling uphill writing a section that I now realize won’t work, and I need to re-write that part of the story to know the details of what to do next.

  32. hi G, thank for stopping at my blog, i think that a nice and interesting personality. you have character..i like it ^_^. i like this part the most ” even the ones I don’t like and have to stop myself talking to strangers quite often, because they probably don’t all want to speak to me. At least that’s what they think in the beginning, but its fun trying to win them over. Once I’ve got their attention, I shut up and let them talk while I soak up as much as I can.”—–>>> sometimes i do this too but sometimes…

  33. I’m sorry I’ve been spamming your blog with ‘like’s. I couldn’t help myself. I got lost in it and didn’t know my way out (It probably had to do with the fact that I enjoyed every post and didn’t really want to get out) 🙂

  34. Hello Lucid Gypsy! I really enjoy your blog, so I’ve nominated you for a Very Inspiring Blogger Award ☺

    The rules for receiving this award are:
    1. Display the award logo on your blog.
    2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
    3. State 7 things about yourself.
    4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them.
    5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.

  35. I am glad to have found your blog! I enjoyed reading your posts and viewing the photos, Sally

  36. Well. I still have my EOS 5 and an eye for the right apeture if you ever want a few lessons. X

    1. Well, well there you are! Do you use your camera? I love mine but I’m too lazy and don’t use it manually very often. I even did an Open university photography module, but it made me worse not better. It’s not that I don’t understand it, I’d rather just take the picture. I’ve got a good eye for an image though!

  37. Hi Gilly, nice to meet you on this blog. I love England, I love making pictures, I love travel and I can’t stop dreaming. I’ll follow you even if my English is a little bit :-(.
    Byee Beatrice

  38. Nice meeting you Gill! Many thanks for stopping by and for the nice words you left 🙂 Hope you’re having a cozy weekend!

  39. I was unable to find a way to contact you privately so, people are confusing you with me ( I have been using the name Lucid Gypsy for years now) on twitter, facebook etc. I recently received a thank you from Cotehele NT via twitter, thanking me for mentioning them in my blog post, which is actually your blog post!

    1. Dear Gloria gypsy – you have excellent taste in names! I’ve been around for quite some time as well. I find it amazing that we have not heard of each other before, in fact its positively spooky, but I don’t use my name on twitter or facebook. Just found you on twitter by clicking the link but not many tweets. Do you write or have a photoblog?

  40. What a beautiful spirit you have. Thank you for looking at my blog and enabling me to find yours. I reblogged Niyoko’s art…exquisite photo perspective on that first shot. I look forward to your posts. Peace.

  41. Hello G…your west country blogging friend here! I wanted to thank you for kindly coming over to my blog and I do hope you will visit again. I just wanted to touch base with you, I’m intrigued by your blog and will definitely be back. Meanwhile, it’s lovely to meet you … Sherri 🙂

  42. Hi G. – I love your self-description as Afro Celt 🙂 Since you said you are in midlife (as I am), you were born in times before interracial relationships were “chic.” I am sure you have lots of stories growing up biracial. I am the mother of a bi-racial adult daughter and remember the early years in the US (late 70s and early 80s) were not easy in that respect. Looking forward to exploring your blog…

  43. Pleased to meet you, you have a lovely blog.. And thank you so much for taking the time to look around Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary… and in the reblog of of my post.. Many thanks…
    Peace.. _/\_

  44. Hi Gilly I’ve tried emailing you to no avail…..grr I deleted your comment immediately, so perhaps I tried to send to wrong email…was hoping I might get to meet you this coming weekend….

      1. Okay sounds good to me, if you have enough time we could meet in Exeter, there are some nice coffee shops on the quay. If not I can go to Lyme, I don’t know what will be open on a November Sunday?

      2. OK, I’ll not have sufficient time for Exeter on Sunday morning, as my friend is coming over at 12.30…but Lyme for coffee would be good!

  45. Gilly,
    Love the way you introduced yourself and the things you shared. You sound like a lovely person and I would be happy to talk to you in any airport. Thank you for stopping by the Cow Pasture. I hope you will come again, soon.

  46. Thanks for your recent comments and for following my blog! I first came across yours via Isobel and Master Bosun and am enjoying reading of your adventures in the south west, I also enjoy all the great photos too!

    1. I really did think I was following and that you just didn’t post very often. I had a lovely time visiting and will be back soon for some more exploration. Yes I’m a big Isobel and B fan 😀

  47. Hey, Gilly, I need some information. I’m working on a new website for my church, and we need to go with a private domain name that doesn’t include “wordpress.” I noticed that’s what you have, and WP seems to give a couple different options for going that route. What I want to know is did you just upgrade your domain name and continue to use a free site, or did you have to upgrade to a paid site to get the domain name to work? I hope you don’t mind my asking. I tried going with the paid domain name for the church in the beginning, but the system took me to a page that said I had to also choose a paid site to get the private domain name to work. I’m a little confused.
    Thanks for any help you can give me.

    1. I’ve just done it an hour ago! On my stats/dashboard it kept offering me the option to upgrade to the lucidgypsy.com domain and I’ve thought about it many times. today seemed a good day to do it. I just clicked the box, paid $18 and a further $8 for the privacy option and it was done. So it’s just the name I’m paying for, does that help?

      1. Yes, that helps a bunch! Thanks.
        Also, did the name change automatically after you did that, or did you have to do anything else? Thanks again.

      2. Well, WP has another black mark against them in my book now. I just found out that those of us who have had accounts for a period of time can purchase the private domain name for $18.00, but on new accounts, the blogger has to buy a full upgrade and pay for the who upgraded site in order to use a private domain name — even if they already own the name. That’s such a shame. WP is certainly not the company they were when I started blogging here. But I appreciate your help and information anyway.

  48. Hi Gilly! It has been a long time since I’ve been by, but I wanted to ask you if you would be interested in writing a post for Multiracial Media. I have recently joined their team and we are looking for voices from the Multiracial Community that do not come from the United States. Here is a link to the site. http://multiracialmedia.com/ (My column is “Ask Lisa.”) Let me know if you or anyone you know might be interested in writing something (anything) about being a multiracial person in the UK? Hope all is well with you!

    1. Dear Lisa, how are you? I’ve had a peep at your column, how wonderful! I would love to send something, but I’m struggling with confidence in my writing at the moment, so I don’t know if I could produce anything good enough. Is there an urgent deadline?

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