Square Roofs

Becky’s created a square challenge again for June, this time it’s square roofs or rooves as some say. A few years ago a very clever friend proof read something for me. She said I should change my roofs to rooves and then I was corrected by my writing tutor who said it should be roofs!

My roofs today, complete with funicular, are in Bergamot northern Italy.

Looking down from the Citta Alta towards the new town.

Becky’s choice today is very clever!


Paula’s thursday Special

Paula’s in her third year of Thursday Special challenges, what an achievement. Those of you who don’t know Paula might be interested in joining in now that the WordPress challenges are no more. She offers five words and posts an example of each, her pullulating shot is amazing.

I’m choosing reflective, because the Museum of the History of Polish Jews not only reflects the beautiful grounds it stands in, but going inside makes you reflect on the inhumanity of humankind.

Paula would love to see you!