A Temporary Stage

Ben Huberman has a lovely autumn photo this week as an example for the weekly photo challenge of temporary. Very apt, the autumn colour really is fleeting, enjoy it while you can.

I did an autumn post last week as a Thursday poem, so I’ve gone back in time for my temporary entry, to Colyford Goose Fayre a few years ago.

Where’s there’s always a temporary stage.

And all are welcomed.
The town crier may look grumpy.
But he’s happy ringing his bell, ‘Oyez, Oyez, Oyez!

As for the Morris Men, well they just do their crazy thing, don’t worry it’s only temporary.

12 thoughts on “A Temporary Stage

  1. Oh, a good take on temporary, Gilly! But you, thank goodness, aren’t temporary and I know I can count on some good posts from the Raggle Taggle Gypsy!

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