Serene Devon

If your world is anything like mine, then at this time of the year you may feel ready to flop beside the tv, or relax with a good book. If your world is anything like mine, there’s a good chance that isn’t going to happen!

So how then can we find some tranquility? Well how about enjoying the serene Devon countryside?

Green pastures east of Exeter, for this weeks photo challenge, serene.

12 thoughts on “Serene Devon

  1. Oh, I hope it does happen – at least in bits. My serenity is early morning mini-walks: sea mist, sunrise, birds and wet grass. I’ve just found a new bench at the top of my street overlooking the ocean, so I now have three meditating points. We get a rainy weekend, not to be sniffed at on the verge of summer. I hope your weekend is … serene. At least as serene as it can be with two energetic dogs.

  2. LOvely photo. There’s something about where sheep may safely graze! There’s a piece of classical music with that title. Find it very relaxing. Thanks Meg

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