
I arrived at Marseille St Charles railway station by metro on the blue number 1 line and really didn’t need to venture outside. However, the station is known for its grand approach.

When I was there, it was very hot, the blue sky and white stone were dazzling. It was tempting to go back into the station building and stay cool, but I had to check it out.

The view was fabulous, all the way to Notre Dame de la Garde on the hill to the far right. I nearly stayed put at the top, but I’d seen photos and wanted to see the stairs going up. I’d need to save my energy so I went slowly down.

It was worth it.

104 steps, I went back up even slower, pretending that I was stopping to enjoy the view, but actually saving my breathe and my knees!

LOOK UP is this weeks Lens-Artist Photo Challenge and Patti is in wonderful Florence.

8 thoughts on “Up!

  1. Blimey, that’s a lot of stairs to a station. Hopefully there is a disabled access somewhere. I would have thought twice about going to the bottom, but I am glad you did 😀

  2. laughed with you (in a good way) to imagine you catching your breath…. I mean sightseeing!

    that is a grand entrance – and one of my favorite things about your pics today are the people.
    Sometimes (most of the time for me at least) I find that photos of places like this that have people – it adds more to the image. We get a feel for the season, the crowd, and even culture trends.
    Then, sometimes the people add to the elements in the image – like in the first image there is balance – with the two people on the stairs and the three folks lined up to the right – with the man looking back (so cool)
    and the second photo – the three to the mid right are lined up with the street –
    in the last one – the lady mid center and high – brings the eye in and then feel the stairs even more as we explore the rest of the photo.

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