Weekly Photo Challenge: Depth

This week, share with us your take on “depth” — you can take it literally, like me, by showing something (a dense forest, your lawn after a blizzard) that suggests volume, a distance between surface and bottom. Or go with a more figurative approach: use a deep color palette, play with your image’s depth of field, or highlight a person, a place, or an object to which you feel deeply connected.

So this is my response to Ben’s challenge.
In the depths of Cornwall there is a view deep down from a shop window at this pub!
Still in Cornwall, the depth of the cliff near Padstow is quite scary if you hadn’t planned to walk the narrow path and you’re wearing the wrong shoes.
The cellar in the depths of Mottisfont Abbey has visible remains of it’s medieval priory.
I like the multi layered depth of this sculpture at Broomhill.
Sissinghurst Castle is renowned for its garden ‘rooms’ and if you look down into the depths from the tower you get a great perspective.

Join in at https://dailypost.wordpress.com/dp_photo_challenge/depth/

43 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Depth

  1. The garden in your last photo reminds me of the gardens and the overall view from Monticello (Thomas Jefferson’s home) overlooking Charlottesville, Virginia. Although, if I remember correctly, the house sits between the city (way off in the distance) and the garden is located below the house. No matter, really. I love the rolling hills, and the bales of hay still sitting in the fields in the distance in your shot. It really gives the true feeling of ‘depth’ for miles.

  2. What a lovely collection for a theme I decided was too difficult. I think the spectre of depth of field, one of my many photographic nemeses, may have stymied thought. You’ve seen depth in so many ways: I particularly like the light- heartedness of ‘in the depths of Cornwall’, and the Sissinghurst shot is wonderful – the extensive landscape, and all those people frozen in a moment.

  3. some beautiful images. Sissingshurst Castle and gardens looks like they are well worth the visit. and that cellar view of Mottisfont Abbey is amazing with those incredible pillars. thanks for sharing a bit of depth 🙂

  4. Those garden rooms look intriguing. I found myself wondering what I’d plant in each of them, giving each one different flowers, scents, and personalities….The gardeners begin to dream in the winter 🙂

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