January Small Stone# Twenty Five

Two hundred years ago on Monday, one of my all time favourite novels was first published. Over the course of the day the whole novel will be read in Bath by a group of fans, experts and writers. They are hoping to find an internationally famous actress to read the first chapter – no doubt in period costume and the event, lasting twelve hours, will be broadcast on the internet! Isn’t that wonderful? I so wish I could be there.

If you didn’t already know, have you guessed yet?

It’s Miss Austen of course, Pride and Prejudice was published on January 28th 1813! I hope to catch some of the broadcast even though Emma is my real favourite. Lots of you probably think I’m crazy, but I can’t be the only one with bosom heaving at the thought of Mr D emerging from the lake? Can I? Come on ‘fess up.

10 thoughts on “January Small Stone# Twenty Five

  1. Just imagine sitting for twelve hours, when you already know the ending. 🙂 It’s a long time since I read the book, but I enjoyed the movie, heaving bosoms and all.

  2. Guilty, guilty, guilty! And, I can think of at least one internationally famous actor I love to see in the Mr. D. role, emerging from the water ….. sigh.

  3. Oh, Gilly, I WISH you could be there too! I hope you have a chance to see the Internet broadcast. Do you know what site they will broadcast from? Is it something I should be able to connect with?

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