Going Up

The Kuala Lumper tower stands 420mmeters high. At one time it was 7th highest building in the world, but now it’s been eclipsed by so many it isn’t even in the top twenty.

The view from the top was pretty amazing. I can’t help wondering where this desire to create bigger and taller will end, and I feel for the builders. I like heights, do you? Is there a point beyond which you wouldn’t want to go?

My photo is for Paula’s Thursday Special, Pick a word, one or all of five, mine is ‘Lofty’.


Lens-Artist Photo Challenge

It’s Leya’s turn this week and she’s picked a theme that could have a million different responses. It could be a regular challenge on it’s own. So, how to choose? really difficult for someone as annoyingly happy as me.

Going places, it just has to be what happiness is!

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Can you see what made me happy?

Lens Artist’s Challenge: Doors and Doorways

There are lots of intriguing doorways in Marseille. I found this one in the oldest part of the city, Le Panier, an area filled with unique artisan shops and street art, that was first peopled in 600BC by the Greeks.

This was the entrance to a courtyard studio and artists gallery.

Join Tina in this weeks Lens-artist challenge, her doorways are magic!

Yes but is it art?

For number two of my occasional street art post, I’m in Warsaw. With apologies to the artist, this work reminds me of those colouring books for adults, does it you?

And is it art or graffiti?

Graffiti writing and street art are often confused with one another. Both are subversive art movements where work is displayed in public rather than a gallery setting. While graffiti artists place their work in public, . . .

Maybe this work isn’t finished, perhaps by now it’s in full colour.