Story Challenge Letter G

As it’s G this time and I’m Gee I thought I would give Frizztext’s challenge a go and I’ve chosen Geese.

This is  Goose Day, held every September in the East Devon village of Colyford and I go each year to have a craft stall. So far its always been warm and sunny and thousands of people turn up for a late summer day of fun. There are traditonal games, music, dance and performance as well as the geese. The beer tent is a must and afternoon tea or a hog roast lunch. Lots of people keep up the tradition of dressing in medieval costume so all in all its a very colourful day.


Doesn’t she look lovely?

The ‘Morris’ waiting to dance or maybe for the beer tent to open!

My daughter surrounded by a band of medieval raiders. Don’t worry she can quickly deal with them.

The Court Jester

I would love to try this lady’s gown.

Ready for battle against any invading marauders.

The stars of the day. I like geese and would love to keep guard geese but I haven’t anything to guard or any space for them and I suspect I’d spend more time cleaning up after them and running in the opposite direction!

Friztext is  hosting the  challenge over here, so visit to see some more G’s and join in!







23 thoughts on “Story Challenge Letter G

  1. another of my favourite things giliy, geese! we had them for years, i even took some to the show …so i love to see your geese at the goose day … super pics of the people and costumes, nice to have a sneak peek at your daughter too, it all looks wonderful 🙂

      1. Dang I have plans that weekend, but I’m going to jot down a note in my diary for next year. We are trying to get out to these festivals to see different parts of England and to get different experiences. I know I can’t fit them all in, but I’ll do my best! Thanks Gilly!

  2. Goose Day! I have never of it, but that is what’s so wonderful about blogging. You get to learn and experience so many different things. You have told us what it is all about and your photos bring everything to life. I love how the people dress up and get in the spirit of the day.


  3. Great photos, Gilly – the colors are so sharp and vibrant. I love your captions, too! (I think your daughter could likely take those raiders, as well!) 🙂

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